Only for joy and in friendship: You are missing the role of language and what language is doing to us. Self is very old and lives in language into which we are born. That has some relationship with our nervous system that is then shaped by these long running narratives. I think you are overly focused on the brain alone and missing traditions, narratives, and being that travels from nervous system to nervous system and discloses itself using the body. We are used by "it" and "it" runs our lives. Transformation comes from the perturb that comes from the outside and the nervous systems within certain disclosive space ready to receive. Freud and his allies experimented by provoking sub-human animal conditions and claimed they have learned about human nature. But human being isn't simply a finite machine fitted into exact rational categories, and living for food and fear but something that is meant to evolve and discloses ways of being yet to known. I know you know this. Your conversation about DNA is just brilliant. We have a reservior — a pastness. Overall loveing listening to you.

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