An invitation Steaf, to be open to receive or forthright to go after. Short read explainin’ it, to have with a porter. Great last cast, I linked it here. Brill if yee all hooked up together … mad like, some quarter. The others will read this too, hopefully something comes from it, there’s a method to the madness says scoobie doo. Believing in all four of you………………….Be seeing you.
An invitation Steaf, to be open to receive or forthright to go after. Short read explainin’ it, to have with a porter. Great last cast, I linked it here. Brill if yee all hooked up together … mad like, some quarter. The others will read this too, hopefully something comes from it, there’s a method to the madness says scoobie doo. Believing in all four of you………………….Be seeing you.